Tips on Losing Abdominal Fat by Applying These Simple Steps
A. One of the main important tips on losing abdominal fat is to get your metabolism on the “GO” and start burning abdominal fat is to do some hard workouts 45 minutes 3 - 4 times each week. Not only does weight training stimulate muscle growth, but it burns an amazing amount of calories - even more than cardio. So and excellent way to burn your calories is focus on weight training workouts that are comprised of heavy compound exercises.
B. In between your heavy training workouts, you have to perform some cardio exercise for 20 - 30 minutes a minimum of 3 times each week. Intensity is not necessarily needed, but always remember you do need to make it a habit to fit in your cardio daily. Daily cardio exercise will help you burn more calories which will help you lose abdominal fat even faster.
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C. Another important tips on losing abdominal fat fast is by taking the time to calculate your calorie intake. Once you begin the calculation start slowly to create a calorie deficit by decreasing your intake of calories each day. I highly recommend cutting your calorie intake by 250 - 500 calories a day to start with. A 250 - 500 calorie a day intake is enough to begin losing abdominal fat or losing body fat and create a visible change in the way your body looks.
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D. Our highly recommended technique that you can do towards losing abdominal fat is by spreading out your meals during the day. The moment you know your calorie intake value and you've cut it down by 250 - 500 calories; you should divide the total calorie value by 6 in order to spread it up into 6 meals. Remember always that this is the number of calories that you need to consume in each of your 6 daily divided meals. Spread each of your meals throughout the day so that your body will receive a steady supply of nutrients to help you build some great muscle mass and stay lean always.
E. Bringing you to the next step in losing body fat or losing abdominal fat is to put your metabolism enhancing fat burning meals together and plan properly what you intend to eat each day and in the coming weeks. This is the area where I see most of my clients struggle. They know exactly what they need to eat (the types of foods) and they have a vast knowledge of how much they should consume and when they should eat it, but most of the time they don't know how to figure out exactly what they are going to eat each week and then learn how to make it taste decent.
F. Another important tips on losing abdominal fat is to simply eliminate soda, synthetic juice and energy drinks and begin drinking water, you'll be amazed to see the results. So the best way is to introduce a new habit into your system by drinking a lot of water each day and stay away from all forms of sugar loaded juices and sodas.
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If you follow these simple “Tips on Losing Abdominal Fat”, and learn how to properly train your abdominal muscles and train daily with free weights to stimulate muscle growth, you'll be amazed to SEE your body when you’re NAKED!
Tips on Losing Abdominal Fat
Men Click Here for A FREE presentation with important tips to start losing belly fat and carving out ripped six pack abs!
Women Click Here for A FREE presentation showing a unique method for losing your stubborn tummy fat and getting a tight sexy stomach!
While the easy and simple advice definitely works for “Stripping Away Body Fat”, most individuals would prefer a line upon line and step by step plan for loosing belly fat. At the right sidebar is a step by step list of my favorite topics that deals more of the “Tips on Losing Abdominal Fat”. If you really want to know “The Truth about Abs”, then read through each of these fat burning tips and get an over – all understanding of what it really takes in losing body fat and expose an amazing set of Six Pack Abs.
By []Alex P Miller
Many women don't seriously consider weight training when deciding on an exercise program. Perhaps it's because they believe it won't help them with their goals of muscle toning and weight loss. Believe it or not, however, once you start weight training, your body will burn calories more efficiently. Within only a few months you will see a dramatic change in the shape of the body you see in the mirror. You will be more sleek and athletic. Your metabolism will have changed and you will have more energy and less fatigue. You health will take a dramatic shift for the better. You'll have a stronger immune system. And what's more, studies have shown that lifting weights fights osteoporosis.
Five Reasons Why Women should be Weight Training:
1) Your Body Will Burn Calories More Efficiently
As you weight train and eat enough protein will gain muscle mass in all the right places without getting bulky. Supposedly you burn 35 to 50 calories a day for every pound of muscle mass. As you gain more muscle you will burn more calories. Don't be afraid of getting as muscular as some bodybuilding guy. That is but one of many myths. Women have 10 to 30 times less of the hormone physiology than men that brings on muscle hypertrophy (big muscles).
2) Change in the Shape of Your Body Better than Cardiovascular Exercise
There was a university study done in which a certain amount of subjects were asked to do cardio such as walking and the same amount were asked to weight train as their main exercise. After a certain period of time, given the same low calorie diet with the same food, both groups lost pounds. The cardio group lost fat and unfortunately some muscle whereas the weight training group lost only fat. You'll burn body fat and not valuable muscle with weight lifting.
3) Strengthens Immune System
First of all, your muscles ARE your metabolism. Improve the condition the condition of your muscles and you improve your metabolic condition to reduce disease and infection. Pumping iron increases your resting metabolism and decreases your blood pressure. Regular weight training also decreases bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases good cholesterol (HDL).
4) Increases and Restores Bone Density
As we grow older we tend to lose bone density. It has been well known for some time that regular weight bearing exercises prevent osteoporosis and maintain healthy bone density. If you don't use it you lose it. If you're still young then start weight training now. If you're older, it's never too late to start exercising no matter how old you get. Exercise such as resistance training also helps the brain because lifting weights is good for your heart and whatever is good for your heart is good for your mental functions. The one way in which our muscles are different than other parts of our bodies is that our muscles do not age. It's true.
5) Improves Circulation and Produces Endorphins
Exercise such as lifting weights improves circulation dramatically, strengthens joints and releases those natural pain killers in the brain called endorphins. Joints and tendons are strengthened and in some cases, sufferers of chronic mild arthritis may experience some pain relief from a little light weight training as well as enjoying increased lean muscle mass.
Ease into a Workout Plan
A recommendation would be to train two to three times a week and not with machines but with free weights because machines don't build up the bones like free weights do. Start out slow. At first do a couple pushing exercises such as bench press and overhead press. Do a couple pulling exercises such as bent rows and upright rows. And do squats. For each exercise do a set or two of ten to twelve reps. You should rest a few minutes in between sets. The weight you use shouldn't be too heavy. And eat plenty of protein. Muscles don't grow out of thin air. It is recommended to consume � to 1 gram of protein for every pound of lean body weight. If you're on a weight loss program start on a calorie deficient nutritional plan and watch that body fat melt off. Remember that if you choose to start any kind of exercise plan, consult first with your physician.
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If you liked this article, you may also be interested in the []Weight Training and Weight Loss for Women. Check out for more weight training information.
Article Source: [] The Benefits of Weight Training Exercise for Women
5 Odd Foods that KILL Abdominal Fat?
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